Tata Power officials met the Vidhan Sabha Speaker in Jaipur, Devnani said - do not be negligent

Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani has instructed Tata Power not to be negligent in the electricity related services of Ajmer. He said that any kind of disorder and negligence towards the electricity system of the city will not be tolerated.
Officials of Tata Power went to Jaipur and gave clarification related to electricity system to Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani. He informed about the efforts made so far. In this conversation, Devnani said that Tata Power was given franchise to improve the electricity system of the city. But the common people are angry with the working style and disorder of Tata Power. Problems of power cuts and absence are constantly coming up. Tata Power should improve its working style or be ready for action.
He instructed Tata Power to improve its working style, attitude, problem solving and answering the public. Tata Power should increase manpower in all offices, focus on maintenance and improvements, increase load capacity and improve the working conditions.
He said that Tata Power should tell Ajmer Discom that there is no LT and HT power supply in Ajmer city. How many manpower teams are currently working in the electricity sector for line maintenance? How many employees are working under them? What work is assigned to the personnel of each team? Provide complete information about it. When T.P.A.D.L. started the work of electricity supply distribution in Ajmer city? What was the shifting pattern for the financial year 2017-18 and how many employees were working in T.P.A.D.L. as outsourcing (on contract basis) at that time?
Devnani directed to provide the number of sanctioned and working posts of each year year-wise till the date of commencement. Also provide detailed information about the entire staff present along with the cadre. What is the desired educational qualification and experience of all the cadres of subordinate officers/employees of T.P.A.D.L. What is the actual qualification and experience of the employees currently working and posted? Provide information about the names and designations of all the employees currently working along with qualification, experience etc.
Similarly, how many teams were there in Tata Power earlier to completely prevent disaster and emergency situations and what tasks were assigned to them. In view of the current increase in electricity load, what upgradation and improvements have been done to increase the number of electricity teams and personnel and what will be the plan to increase T.P.A.D.L.'s human resources when the electricity load increases in the coming two years. Explain the situation in detail.
How many electricity related complaints has T.P.A.D.L. Ajmer received in the last 3 years. What disciplinary action has been taken against which officers and employees by Tata Power. It is often seen that employees are transferred several times in a year. Therefore, provide information about T.P.A.D.L. transfer policy to Ajmer Discom.