Show cause notice issued to feeder incharge

Jodhpur, June 24. Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (Jodhpur Discom) has taken cognizance of the complaints of the villagers and issued a show cause notice to the feeder in-charge. It was stated in the complaints that due to the system of bill distribution relying on the lineman, the bills are not being received on time, due to which the villagers are forced to pay penalty.
Superintending Engineer (District Circle) Jodhpur Discom M. L. Benda said that in this matter, Assistant Engineer (Pavs) Bilada has informed that a show cause notice has been issued to the concerned feeder in-charge Mahendra Saini. Also, the remaining bills and all future bills have been ordered to be provided on time at the consumers' premises.
The Superintending Engineer also informed that the last date for these bills has been extended from June 24 to June 26. Due to this, consumers will not have to pay late fees and revenue collection can also be done smoothly.