Second National Lok Adalat inaugurated, now the court itself will come to the Chaupals, cases should be resolved in a cordial atmosphere - Executive Chairman, State Legal Services Authority

Second National Lok Adalat inaugurated, now the court itself will come to the Chaupals, cases should be resolved in a cordial atmosphere - Executive Chairman, State Legal Services Authority

Justice, Rajasthan High Court and Executive Chairman, State Legal Services Authority Pankaj Bhandari inaugurated the second National Lok Adalat of the year 2024 in the premises of Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench on Saturday. In this National Lok Adalat organized by Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority (RALSA) under the aegis of National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi, the Executive Chairman said that Lok Adalats are an important part of the legal system. The objective is to resolve all pending cases amicably and accurately through Lok Adalats. Bhandari said that Lok Adalat is being organized through online and offline medium in all subordinate courts, revenue courts, consumer forums and other administrative tribunals of the state including Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench.

Effective disposal of cases in a cordial environment is the main objective -

On the occasion of the launch of the National Lok Adalat, the Executive Chairman said that through Lok Adalat, efforts are also made to resolve such disputes, in which if the dispute is not resolved on time, they get entangled in the judicial process for years. Such cases are prevented from coming to the court through pre-litigation and the matter is settled by mutual understanding and compromise. He said that if a pending case is settled without going to court, it becomes an example of positivity in the society. He said that the main objective of Lok Adalat is to get people to settle the matter in an amicable manner.

The Executive Chairman, Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority informed that Article 39A of the Constitution of India was brought to provide equal opportunity of justice to all. Lok Adalat is a cost-free and accessible means of getting justice for every citizen. The Hon'ble also informed that the National Lok Adalat provides a platform of experienced mediators and advisors to the parties for reconciliation, where the parties to the dispute themselves participate in the process of settlement and decide the solution themselves while getting guidance for resolving the disputes.

Cases pending in Lok Adalat-

Bhandari said that for the last few months, efforts are being made to reach out to advocates for reconciliation in respect of various cases presented in Lok Adalats. Also, about 2500 cases are pending in 4 benches of Jaipur High Court and 5 benches of Jodhpur High Court. He said that Lok Adalats have shown unprecedented performance and in comparison to the total 3,17,485 cases settled in the first National Lok Adalat, in this second National Lok Adalat, a total of 27,85,572 cases including 5,43,283 pending cases were settled through compromise in the spirit of Lok Adalat, in which awards of Rs. 15,67,37,02,598/- were passed. 206 cases were settled through compromise by the main bench of Rajasthan High Court in Jodhpur and 747 cases by the Jaipur bench.