Parliamentary Affairs, Law and Justice Minister conducted public hearing- after listening to the grievances of the common people, directed the concerned officials for immediate redressal

Parliamentary Affairs, Law and Justice Minister conducted public hearing- after listening to the grievances of the common people, directed the concerned officials for immediate redressal

Parliamentary Affairs, Law and Justice Minister Jogaram Patel on Sunday held a public hearing at the Circuit House in Jodhpur and directed the officials to resolve the complaints of the common people immediately. He listened to the complaints of the complainants from all over the district seriously and directed the concerned departmental officials to resolve the complaints of the common people immediately. Do not show any kind of negligence in this.

During this, Patel heard the problems of the common people from Jodhpur and rural areas and assured that the problems will be resolved on priority. The complainants who came to the public hearing informed Minister Patel about the complaints related to education, road, medical, electricity, drinking water and other common people. On which he directed the concerned officials to resolve the complaints immediately.

Patel said that every section of the society should get the benefit of the public welfare schemes of the state government. Also, public hearing is being conducted with the aim that the benefits of these schemes reach the last end. He said that under the able leadership and management of Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, the state government is making all possible efforts for the all-round development of the state. Along with this, it is working with transparency and selflessness for the welfare of the people of the state. He said that the state government is providing maximum relief to the people by hearing the public welfare works in public hearings.