Mines Department's budget announcements will give new direction to mineral exploration and mining, implementation will be done on mission mode- Mines Secretary - Instructions of roadmap given to officers, divided into three parts on the basis of implementation

Secretary of Mines and Geology Department Anandi has said that by preparing a roadmap for the departmental budget announcements, their implementation will be ensured on mission mode. She said that budget announcements have been made by incorporating all aspects of the mines sector in the state and this will give a new direction to mineral exploration and mining work in the state and new opportunities for revenue and employment will be developed.
Mining Secretary Anandi was holding a meeting of senior officials of the Mineral Department in Udaipur on Saturday with DMG Bhagwati Prasad Kalal regarding the implementation of budget announcements. While giving guidelines regarding the implementation of budget announcements, she said that budget announcements have been identified in three parts. One is those announcements whose implementation will not put any financial burden and administrative and legal orders can be issued after testing at the departmental level itself. The second is those announcements whose implementation will not put any financial burden on the government but consent will have to be taken from other departments like Finance and Personnel etc. She said that the third category includes those announcements whose implementation will put a financial burden on the government.
Anandi said that all the announcements of the three categories should be examined and necessary action should be started immediately. He said that implementing the announcement of reducing VAT on CNG in the budget announcement of the state government, the implementation of budget announcements has been started by reducing the rates of CNG at RSGL stations from last night itself.
Director Mines Bhagwati Prasad Kalaal said that three committees of senior officials of the department have been formed. The committee in-charges have been asked to study all the aspects and submit the report immediately so that necessary action can be taken for the implementation of budget announcements.